Vernacular houses are architecture by commoners or villagers, built by common people. The structure and methods are passed on through the generations, constructed by local materials, corresponding to the livelihood and ecosystem of each location. Folk knowledge has been adapted for harmonizing between peoples’ way of living and the natural environment. The study of vernacular houses is the attempt to study the value of this type of architecture by examining the blend of each style according to the way of life, ecology, and the continuity inherited by each group. Moreover, there are research on the spread of local culture, with the purpose of preserving the original local architecture with the least modifications or alterations.
Furthermore, from the recent operation, Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Anthropology Centre (Public Organization) (SAC) has given research grants on the subject “Vernacular Houses in Thailand”, with multiple topics. The result was quality research material, that gives us information on vernacular houses in Thailand from meticulous research and fieldwork, including researches of the same subject by other researchers from various organizations, but was never compiled and published in any other form, besides in book form. The data deserves to be managed into a digital database with storage, compiling and online publishing systems for easier access and convenience for people who are researching or are interested, which will lead to updating the data or to apply in research or employment. In doing so, the “Vernacular Houses of Thailand Database Development Service” was established in 2016. The data for Vernacular Houses in Thailand begins in Central, following North and South Thailand, then established the Vernacular Houses in Thailand online database and website, transmitted to the public through the internet for easier access for people who are doing research or are interested in the data. Until the end of the fiscal year.